criminal environment中文什么意思

发音:   用"criminal environment"造句
  • criminal:    adj. 犯罪的;刑事上的;〔口语〕 ...
  • environment:    n. 1.周围,围绕。 2.围绕物; ...
  • the criminal:    美国现代女子监狱
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  1. The criminal environment theory and community policing
  2. Another problem comes , that is the infrastructure of the whole criminal related disciplines . in the third part , the author used more than half amount of the paper to practice the methodology of trinity structure among the spheres of the disciplines on criminal facts , as well as the disciplines on criminal counter - measures , so as to show and prove the value of the theory . in the course , some new view - points or explanations about the related theories are involved , such as the criminal field theory , the two - stage criminal origin theory , the bilateral view of the victim ’ s consent , the victim ’ s fault theory , the social indirect harm responsibility as the theoretical foundation of national victim compensation , the criminal environment ’ s responsibility theory , and so on


  1. criminal detention 什么意思
  2. criminal determination 什么意思
  3. criminal disposal 什么意思
  4. criminal division 什么意思
  5. criminal division of court of appeal 什么意思
  6. criminal execution 什么意思
  7. criminal fact 什么意思
  8. criminal fine 什么意思
  9. criminal for trial 什么意思
  10. criminal fugitive 什么意思


男子高铁涉嫌猥亵女儿,警方却终止调查! (双语版)

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